I have a 2 year old GSD that is the worst nuisance barker I have ever seen. He just runs laps around the fenced dog yard barking as hard as he can at nothing. He barks all day long if he is awake. Barks in the house, barks in the kennel, barks in the yard. I have tried a couple of different models of shock bark collars. Even on the highest setting he would bark until he burned holes in his neck and made burn blisters. It didn’t even slow him down. My wife and I discussed getting rid of him just because we were out of ideas and the barking was so bad. I put the BarkWise Collar on him this morning and turned him out into the yard. He barked twice and that is the only two sounds he has made in the last 8 hours. He literally hasn’t barked again. I am amazed and appalled that 1) it actually stopped his barking and 2) that it did it that quickly. I am ordering another one for my Black Lab.