Based on 1671 reviews
New remote

I accidentally sent the remote control of my DS Max through the laundry and ordered a new one. It was cheap and works great!

Dog Silencer® MAX
William Sanderson
It works!

We have neighbor dogs which are constantly barking at us when we are outside.
I had setup our Dog Silencer in a tree housed in a suet bird feeder and it worked until the batteries went dead. So, I moved the silencer onto the side of our patio fence and plugged it in with the adapter power. Walla, it works and no more irritating dog barking👍

Solar Panel


Works amazingly in my apartment.

Dog Silencer® MAX
Edward Ising
Dog Silencer Max scores BIGLY, Dog ZERO

It worked! The offending barker is now silent. One or two woofs and that’s it.
Good Job! *****

Remote replacement

Great product. Works well. Highly recommend.

Does the job

It keeps my neighbors dog quit. The problem is that my recent purchase was made to replace my original dog silencer. The original one went bad because the connector in the unit were the solar panel plugs into rusted out. If you can make this more weather proof that would be great.

Will I Like It?

I see that you have improved your old Pest Repeller.

I just bought this new one and we will see if it works just the same or better than the original.


Thank you.

Strobe light replacement

Customer service just outstanding!!!

Just one call, and the answer given by US based customer service was “Oh we can take care of that”….replacement part arrived within days!

Thank you!

DS MAX Replacement Remote
Debbie Risinger
thanks so much for quick response

Thanks for sending the replacement remote-

Bark Control Pro™
Elizabeth Brusca

Worked for us in the house, buying another one to put outside!

Solar Pack MAX
Hugh Scher
Excellent solution, product and Customer Service ... exactly what I was looking for.

My Solar Pack MAX is really well designed and produced. Fit and finish and technical performance is exactly as advertised, and the company's Customer Service is personal and committed to me as a customer. I will purchase again!

Completely stopped barking

We have a duplex and the girl above us had a dog that would start barking every time she left in the mornings (5am). I bought the bark box and asked her if she would be open to using it. It worked perfectly and we no longer hear any barking. Will be buying another to point at the neighbors yard.

Dog Silencer® MAX
Jeff Lahann
Actually works!

I have been skeptical for a couple years, the sale price finally made me pull the trigger to purchase and try it out. Neighbors three dogs behind us bark at every little noise making it impossible to enjoy our back patio. They start barking, I push the button (they are ~100+ feet away and out of range of auto detection) they stop after a couple of seconds.

60ft Extension Cord
James Druse

Nice to be able to operate my unit without the worry of the batteries running down.

Really works !

Dog Silencer® MAX
Jorge Martinez
Very Satisfied

after about 10 days, I was not sure that it was making a dent on my neighbor's very annoying dog. Then there was one Saturday where he was completely out-of-control and I tool the remote control in hand and for a couple of hours would activate it every time the dog barked. Since then, I very rarely hear it any more.
Happy with the results, very worth the price for this quiet peace that we now enjoy. Thank you.

Dog Silencer® MAX
Susan Faass
Dog Silencer Max, I love you!

Your device is amazing! It works on my neighbors barking dogs.
I live in an area with lots of wildlife. I have placed the Dog Silencer Max outward around my property. The solar panels are perfect for this. Then when there coyotes that Yip and howl, I just press the button that came with my Dog Silenter, The coyotes stop their yipping and howling and go somewhere else.
When my dog starts barking at a mountain lions, I press the button, The mountain lion leaves my property.
My dog, horses and barn cats happy and so am I. Thanks!

Peace and Quiet

When the new neighbor moved in, they had four dogs, two of which would bark at any loud noise and keep barking till they wore themselves out. We couldn't enjoy our back yard anymore. We confronted neighbor multiple times as well as the city and nothing happened. We set this device so that it would only go off when we pressed the button. It only took 4 times to train the neighbors dogs not to bark at us in our own yard. Best money spent!

Diana Henson
quick worker

This little device not only helps work with your own dog but WOW I had a neighbors dog running right towards me and my dog, I pressed the button then tone and then the dog button again and that dog turned and ran away.

The best Repeller

I have used another brand, but this is the one worked. I have plugged in before I move into new house, and I don't see any of the bugs that I was afraid of. I made great choice to get this Pest Repeller Ultimate® AT.

rodent deterrent

There is NO better Rodent deterrent then these. I had mice invading and taking over my camper, literally! I purchased 2 of these and i never had another mouse ever. Of course I had to keep camper plugged in but problem solved. I also have a large shop and office. We used to use alot of decon, We strategically placed these devices around areas we definitely did not want rodents and There aren't any as long as these are up and operational. I would highly recommend these particular devices to anyone. They have my 100% confidence.

Dog Silencer® MAX
Nick Wescott
Works great

I don't typically review many products, but I am very pleased with this bark controller. The neighbors have 2 dogs that bark constantly. I put the controller out there on ultrasonic mode and they instantly stopped and went inside. It has been a couple of weeks now and the dogs rarely bark anymore. Wish I had one of these years ago.

Worked well for my situation...

I've had the unit for about four weeks and only had to activate the remote less than ten times. I don't use the built in mic, as I wanted to be sure the unit only activates when the dog barks. The neighbor's dog (Corgi - about 2.5 years old) no longer wakes me in the middle of the night, so far. Of course, it's important to aim it at the dog the best one can. The dog is kept in a pen at night, so it was easy for me. My unit is mounted (hidden) behind an air vent in my shed that is about 30ft from the pen.

Dog Silencer® MAX
Douglass Benson

I forgot my neighbor had dogs...