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Dogs bark. It’s how they communicate, but even the most avid dog lovers among us become aggravated when the neighbor’s dog barks all day. The incessant barking disrupts sleep, work, and incites tension in the neighborhood.
While we can’t expect our neighbor’s dogs not to bark at all, constant barking is often indicative of underlying issues. Incessant barkers are usually trying to communicate an unmet need. Sometimes you have to train the neighbor, not the dog. So before calling the cops or confronting your neighbor it’s important to understand why the neighbor’s dog is barking.
Understanding why the neighbor’s dog is barking all day can go a long way to alleviate the constant barking, and help address the issue with your neighbor. As a neighbor you deserve peace and quiet, so we’ve put together a list of things to do when that dog next door won’t reduce barking.
Write down every time you hear the dog barking next door. Note the time of day, how long the barking lasted, and what is going on in the environment; did a delivery driver just leave a package or did kids get out of school? You may begin to notice patterns. If you can tell the type of bark, such as alarm or boredom barking, note that as well. The more information you have the better you can help yourself, your neighbor, and the barking dog.
Although it may seem daunting or awkward, talking to your neighbor face-to-face about their barking dog is the best way to initiate the conversation. They may not be aware that there is a barking problem; perhaps your neighbor is away at work during the day, or hard of hearing. Chances are, they’ll listen to you and work to solve the problem. Sharing your notes with them may help to determine what is causing the perpetual barking.
If you’ve tried the tips above, an ultrasonic bark deterrent is a great way to reduce the incessant barking next door. These devices, like the Dog Silencer MAX, detect dog barking and emit ultrasonic sound waves to train neighbor dogs to reduce barking. Humans cannot hear ultrasonic sounds, but dogs can. It is annoying to them. When they bark, the device emits an ultrasonic sound that is irritating to the barking dog. The sound will reduce when the barking reduces, acting as an automatic bark correction device.
Ultrasonic sound is nonharmful, making it a great training tool to deter non reduce barking. It won’t harm the neighbor dog and will give you back your peace and quiet. Bark deterrents aren’t effective at curbing instinctive barking, like alert barking, but it will reduce the incessant barking.
Setting up an ultrasonic bark deterrent correctly will provide optimal training and the best results. This will prevent accidental activation of the device, helping to teach the dog to reduce barking more effectively.
Position the device correctly: Ultrasonic bark deterrents work within a specific range, so placement is important. For example, the Dog Silencer MAX has an automatic bark detection range of 75ft (~23 meters), meaning that if the dog is within this range the device will work automatically. However the ultrasonic sound distance of the Dog Silencer MAX is 300ft (~91.5 meters). Using the remote control, you can still train a neighbor’s dog that is much further away.
Direct line of sight: The ultrasonic bark control device should directly face the neighbor dog, within range. It should be unobstructed by walls, fences, glass, hedges, or any physical barrier that could block the ultrasonic sound waves. If there is a fence between your yard and the barking neighbor dog, we recommend using a wall mount to position the device above the fence and face it down toward the dog. This will provide optimal coverage and direct line of sight, ensuring more effective training for that noisy neighbor dog.
This should be a last resort. Politeness and patience will go a long way when your neighbor’s dog won’t reduce barking. If you have followed all the tips mentioned above it may be time to escalate the issue. Research your local laws or municipal ordinances for noise complaints and with whom to file the complaint: the police, animal control, property manager, or city officials.
You may want to check with other neighbors to see if they are also annoyed with the barking, or if they have already filed a complaint. When filing a complaint be sure to provide documentation of the dates, times and duration of the barking. Video or sound clips can be helpful as well.
Keep in mind that incessant barking is typically a dog’s way of communicating discontent or distress. Assisting your neighbor will be more beneficial than responding angrily to the persistent barking. It will benefit you, your neighbors, and the dog.
I accidentally sent the remote control of my DS Max through the laundry and ordered a new one. It was cheap and works great!
We have neighbor dogs which are constantly barking at us when we are outside.
I had setup our Dog Silencer in a tree housed in a suet bird feeder and it worked until the batteries went dead. So, I moved the silencer onto the side of our patio fence and plugged it in with the adapter power. Walla, it works and no more irritating dog barking👍
It worked! The offending barker is now silent. One or two woofs and that’s it.
Good Job! *****